MASTERS @Tandy School of Computer Science, TU
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Publications by Category

Trust in Human-Agent Teamwork
We are interested in developing mechanisms for engendering and evaluating trust in human-agent ad hoc teamwork scenarios where new teammates quickly learn to adopt complementary and supportive behaviors to optimize team performance.
Publications From This Project
Feyza Merve Hafizoglu and Sandip Sen, "Comparing Human Trust Attitudes Towards Human
and Agent Teammates." in the Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Human-
Agent Interaction, pp. 50-59, Sydney, Australia, Nov 10-13, 2020.
Feyza Merve Hafizoglu and Sandip Sen, "Understanding The In
uences of Past Experience on Trust in Human-Agent Teamwork," in ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 19(4):45:1-45:22, 2019.
Feyza Merve Hafizoglu and Sandip Sen, "The Effects of Past Experience on Trust in Repeated
Human-Agent Teamwork," in the Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, pages 514-522, Stockholm, Sweden, July 11-15,