MASTERS @Tandy School of Computer Science, TU
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Publications by Category

Intelligent Agent Assistants

Oly Mistry and Sandip Sen, "Tag recommendation for social bookmarking: Probabilistic approaches." Multiagent and Grid Systems, Vol. 8, No. 2, pages 143-163, 2012.
Anil Gursel and Sandip Sen, "Improving Search In Social Networks by Agent Based Mining," in the Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pages 2034--2039), held in Pasadena, California between July 11--17, 2009.
Anil Gursel and Sandip Sen, "Producing Timely Recommendations From Social Networks through Targeted Search," in the Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multi Agent Systems (pages 805-812), held in Budapest, Hungary between May 10--15, 2009.
Sandip Sen, Sabyasachi Saha, and Karina Hernandez, "Buyer Agent to Enhance Consumer Awareness: SAATHI," Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Volume 6, Issue 2, Pages 209-218, Summer 2007.
Sandip Sen, Partha Sarathi Dutta, and Sandip Debnath, "CHAYANI: A Shopper's Assistant," Journal of Intelligent Systems, Volume 14, No. 1, pages 3--23, 2005.

Rajatish Mukherjee, Neelima Sajja and Sandip Sen, "A Movie Recommendation System: an application of Voting Theory in User Modeling," User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (UMUAI) , Vol. 13, nos. 1-2, pages 5-33, 2003 (special Issue on "Intelligent Agents").

Karina Hernandez and Sandip Sen , "A Buyer's Agent", in the Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Autonomous Agents (pages 156--162), held in Barcelona, Spain between June 2-8, 2000.