MASTERS @Tandy School of Computer Science, TU
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Publications by Category

Multiagent learning and adaptation
Sandip Sen, Chad Crawford, Rachna Nandakumar, and John Hale. "Effects of Parity, Sympathy and
Reciprocity in Increasing Social Welfare," Knowledge Engineering Review, Volume 35, 2020 ,
e31, DOI:
Feyza Merve Hafizoglu and Sandip Sen, "Comparing Human Trust Attitudes Towards Human
and Agent Teammates." in the Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Human-
Agent Interaction, pp. 50-59, Sydney, Australia, Nov 10-13, 2020.
Adam Dees, James Hale and Sandip Sen, "Evaluating Adaptive and Non-adaptive Strategies for Selecting
and Orienting Influencer Agents for Effective Flock Control," in the Working Notes of Adaptive and Learning Agents held in association with AAMAS-19
Feyza Merve Hafizoglu and Sandip Sen, "The Effects of Past Experience on Trust in Repeated
Human-Agent Teamwork," in the Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, pages 514-522, Stockholm, Sweden, July 11-15,
Feyza Merve Hafizoglu and Sandip Sen, "Reputation Based Trust in Human-Agent Teamwork Without Explicit Coordination," in the Proceedings of the 6th International
Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI 2018) held in Southampton, UK, from
15-18 December 2018.
Yucel, Osman, Chad Crawford, and Sandip Sen. "Evolving effective behaviours to interact with tag-based populations." Connection Science 27, no. 3 (2015): 288-304.
Sandip Sen, Anton Ridgway, and Michael Ripley, "Adaptive Budgeted Bandit Algorithms for Trust Development in a Supply Chain" in the Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multi Agent Systems , to be held in Istanbul, Turkey between May 4-8, 2015.
Stephane Airiau, Daniel Villatoro, and Sandip Sen, "Emergence of Conventions through Social Learning: Heterogeneous learners in complex networks," Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (JAAMAS) Vol 28, pages 779-804, 2014.
Jolie Olsen and Sandip Sen,"On the rationality of cycling in the Theory of Moves framework"in Connection Science, Vol 26, Issue 2, pages 141--160, April 2014.
Jolie Olsen and Sandip Sen,"Discovery, utilization and analysis of credible threats for 2 X 2 incomplete information games in the Theory of Moves framework,"in Connection Science Vol 26, Issue 2, pages 123--140, April 2014.
Daniel Villatoro, Jordi Sabter-Mir, and Sandip Sen, "Robust convention emergene in social networks through self-reinforcing structures dissolution,"in ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS), Vol. 8, No. 1, Article No. 2, April, 2013. DOI:
Daniel Villatoro, Sandip Sen, and Jordi Sabter-Mir, " Exploring the Dimensions of Convention Emergence in Multiagent Systems," in Advances in Complex Systems , Vol. 14, No. 2, pages 201-227, 2011.
Logan Brooks, Wayne Iba, and Sandip Sen, "Modeling the Emergence and Convergence of Norms" in the Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence pages 97--102, Barcelona, Spain, 2011.
Daniel Villatoro, Jordi Sabater-Mir and Sandip Sen, "Social Instruments for Robust Convention Emergence" in the Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Barcelona, Spain, 2011.
Daniel Villatoro, Sandip Sen, and Jordi Sabater-Mir, "Of Social Norms and Sanctioning: A Game Theoretical Overview," in International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems (IJATS), vol. 2, No. 1, pages 1--15, January-March, 2010.
Matthew Matlock and Sandip Sen, "Effective tag mechanisms for evolving cooperation," in the Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multi Agent Systems (pages 489-496), held in Budapest, Hungary between May 10--15, 2009.
Partha Mukherjee, Sandip Sen, and Stephane Airiau, "Norm Emergence Under Constrained Interactions in Diverse Societies," in the Proceedings of the Seventh International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multi Agent Systems , pages779-786, Estoril, Portugal May, 2008.
Doran Chakraborty and Sandip Sen, "MB-AIM-FSI: A Model Based Framework for Exploiting Gradient Ascent Multiagent Learners in Strategic Interactions," in the Proceedings of the Seventh International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multi Agent Systems , pages 371-378, Estoril, Portugal, May, 2008.
Sandip Sen and Stephane Airiau, "Emergence of norms through social learning," in the Proceedings of the Twentieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence , pages 1507-1512, Hyderabad, India, January 6--12, 2007.
Dipyaman Banerjee and Sandip Sen, "Reaching Pareto Optimality in Prisoner's Dilemma Using Conditional Joint Action Learning," in Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Volume 15, Number 1, pages 91-108, August, 2007.
Stephane Airiau and Sandip Sen, "Evolutionary tournament-based comparison of learning and non-learning algorithms for iterated games," in Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, Volume 10, Issue 3, June, 2007.
Matthew Matlock and Sandip Sen, "Effective tag mechanisms for evolving coordination," in the Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multi Agent Systems , held in Honolulu, Hawaii between May 14--18, 2007.
Stephane Airiau and Sandip Sen, "Learning to commit in repeated games," in Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multi Agent Systems (pages 1263-1265), Hakodate, Japan, May 8--12, 2006.
Doran Chakraborty and Sandip Sen, "Teaching New Teammates," in Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multi Agent Systems (pages 691-693), Hakodate, Japan, May 8--12, 2006.
Arjita Ghosh and Sandip Sen, "Theory of Moves Learner," in the Proceedings of the Fourth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (pages 74--80), Utrecht, Netherlands, July 25--29, 2005.
Dipyaman Banerjee and Sandip Sen, "Reaching Pareto Optimality in Prisoner's Dilemma Using Conditional Joint Action Learning," in the Working Notes of the AAAI-05 Workshop on Multiagent Learning, 2005.
Mary McGlohon and Sandip Sen, "Learning to cooperate in multi-agent systems by combining Q-learning and evolutionary strategy," in International Journal on Lateral Computing, Volume 1, Number 2, pages 58--64, August, 2005.
Austin McDonald and Sandip Sen, "The Success and Failure of Tag-Mediated Evolution of Cooperation," in Learning and Adaptation in Multi-Agent Systems (LAMAS-2005), K. Tuyls, P.J. Hoen, K. Verbeeck, and S. Sen (Eds.), pages 155--164, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, volume 3898, Springer, 2005.
Stephane Airiau and Sandip Sen, "Learning Pareto-optimal solutions in 2x2 conflict games," in the Working Notes of the AAMAS-05 Workshop on Learning and Adaptation in MAS (LAMAS), 2005.
Stéphane Airiau, Sandip Sen and Sabyasachi Saha, "Evolutionary tournament-based comparison of learning and non-learning strategies for iterated games" in the Proceedings of the Eighteenth International FLAIRS Conference , Clearwater Beach, FL, May 2005
Bikramjit Banerjee, Sandip Sen, and Jing Peng, "On-Policy Concurrent Reinforcement Learnig" ,Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence (JETAI), Volume 16, Number 4, pages 245 - 260, 2004.
Sandip Sen, Stephane Airiau and Rajatish Mukherjee, "Towards a Pareto-optimal Solution in General-Sum Games" in the Proceedings of the Second Intenational Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems ,(pages 153-160), Melbourne, Australia, July 2003.
Parijat Prosun Kar and Sandip Sen, "The Agent-Teaching-Agent Framework," in the Proceedings of the Second Intenational Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (pages 1028--1029) Melbourne, Australia, 2003. [ps] (Poster paper)
Sandip Sen and Parijat Prosun Kar, "Sharing a Concept," in the Working Notes of the AAAI-02 Spring Symposium on Collaborative Learning Agents (AAAI Tech Report SS-02-02) held between March 25--27, 2002 in Stanford, CA.
Bikramjit Banerjee, Sandip Sen and Jing Peng, "Fast Concurrent Reinforcement Learners," in the Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pages 825-830), held between August 4--10, 2001 in Seattle, WA.
Rajatish Mukherjee and Sandip Sen, "Towards a pareto-optimal solution in general-sum games" in the Working Notes of Agents'01 Workshop on "Learning Agents", pages 21--28, 2001.

Bikramjit Banerjee, Sandip Debnath and Sandip Sen, "Combining Multiple Perspectives," in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning'2000 (pages 33-40), held between June 29 and July 2 in Stanford University, CA.

Bikramjit Banerjee, Sandip Sen, and Jing Peng, "Evaluating Competitive Learners," in the Working Notes of AGENTS-00/ECML-00 Workshop on Learning Agents, pages 48-52, Barcelona, Spain, 2000.
Bikramjit Banerjee, Rajatish Mukherjee, and Sandip Sen, "Learning Mutual Trust," in the Working Notes of AGENTS-00 Workshop on Deception, Fraud and Trust in Agent Societies, pages 9-14, 2000.
Manisha Mundhe and Sandip Sen, "Evaluating concurrent reinforcement learners," in the Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Multiagent Systems (pages 421--422), IEEE Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 2000. (Poster paper)
Sandip Sen & Mahendra Sekaran, "Individual learning of coordination knowledge", Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence , 10, pages 333-356, 1998 (special issue on Learning in Distributed Artificial Intelligence Systems).
Thomas Haynes and Sandip Sen, "Learning Cases to resolve conflicts and improve group behavior," International Journal of Human-Computer Studies , vol. 48, no. 1, pages 31--49,(special issue on Evolution and Learning in Multiagent Systems). A slightly different version can be accessed online from here .
Sandip Sen and Neeraj Arora, "Learning to take risks" in the Working Papers of the AAAI-97 Workshop on Multiagent Learning, pages 59-64. (Workshop Notes available as AAAI Technical Report WS-97-03).

Rajani Nadella and Sandip Sen, "Correlating internal parameters and external performance: learning Soccer agents," in DAI meets ML, Gerhard Weiss (Editor), pages 137--150, Springer-Verlag, 1997.
Sandip Sen, "IJCAI-95 Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Multiagent Systems", AI Magazine, Volume 17, No. 1, pages 87-89, Spring 1996.

Gerhard Weiss and Sandip Sen, "Adaptation and Learning in Multiagent Systems." Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Subseries: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Volume No. 1042. Springer-Verlag: New York, NY. 1996.
Sandip Sen, Shounak Roychowdhury, and Neeraj Arora, "Effects of local information on group behavior" , in the Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Multiagent Systems , pages 315--321, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA, 1996.
Thomas Haynes, Kit Lau and Sandip Sen, "Learning Cases to Compliment Rules for Conflict Resolution in Multiagent Systems" , presented in the AAAI Spring Symposium on Adaptation, Coevolution, and Learning in Multiagent Systems, Stanford, CA, March, 1996.