MASTERS @Tandy School of Computer Science, TU
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Publications by Category

Supporting Users of Social Media
We are interested in developing tools and techniques that can support users of social media. Topics of interest include developing personalized harassment filters from microblogging platforms and analyzing social media sites to track conversation flow between popular and emerging topics.
Publications From This Project

Zenefa Rahaman and Sandip Sen, "Agent-based user-adapted Filters for
Categories of Harassing Communication," in the Working Notes of Adaptive and Learning Agents held in association with AAMAS-19
Zenefa Rahaman. Autumn Slaughter, Elana Newman, and Sandip Sen, "Detecting Different Categories of Cyber-Aggression," in the
Working Notes of the IJCAI-18 Workshop on AI and Computational Psychology, Stockholm,
Sweden, July 2018.

Charles Crawford and Sandip Sen, "Topic Flow Modeling with Latent Communities for Microblog
Conversations," in the Working Notes of the IJCAI-18 Workshop on SocInf+MAISoN,
Stockholm, Sweden, July 2018.
Sandip Sen, Zenefa Rahaman, Chad Crawford and Osman Yucel, "Agents for Social (Media) Change," in the Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Autonomous Agents
and Multiagent Systems, pages 1198-1202, Stockholm, Sweden, July 11-15, 2018.
Chad Crawford and Sandip Sen. "Learning topic
flows in social conversations," in the Working
Notes of the AAMAS-17 Workshop on Adaptive Learning Agents, Sao Paolo, Brazil, May 2017.
Akhilesh Bajaj and Sandip Sen, "Simulating the Effect of Social Network Structure on Workflow Efficiency Performance,"in Social Networking Vol. 3, No. 1, pages 32--40, January 2014, DOI: 10.4236/sn.2014.31004.

Oly Mistry and Sandip Sen, "Tag recommendation for social bookmarking: Probabilistic approaches." Multiagent and Grid Systems, Vol. 8, No. 2, pages 143-163, 2012.
Anil Gursel and Sandip Sen, "Improving Search In Social Networks by Agent Based Mining," in the Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pages 2034--2039), held in Pasadena, California between July 11--17, 2009.